"It'll be fun!"

Okay Belvedere aficionados, this one's for you.

My former boss and I both shared a vague recollection of an old Mr. Belvedere commercial from when the show was in syndication, which included a short clip of Belvedere exclaiming, "It'll be fun!" The obscurity of this quote combined with the fact that both of us shared such a distant recollection of it made it a nice bonding point for the two of us, and I've wanted to find the clip ever since so that I could, y'know, tweet it at him or something. Alas, no clip of the isolated quote appears to exist on YouTube, so I guess not everyone shares our fondness for this completely arbitrary moment in the annals of pop culture.

That said, it appears that all of the episodes are up on YouTube, so I'm wondering if anyone remembers the episode that that particular quote is from. Can anyone help?

Thanks, and yeah I know this is pretty weird and obscure, but this is the Mr. Belvedere discussion board, so.


You can try Google - that might help. Good luck!


I think it's from the season 5 episode, "The Book."


I was right. It is from "The Book."
