MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > The blind French tutor episode is COMPLE...

The blind French tutor episode is COMPLETELY unrealisitic . .

First of all, high school French classes (or any foreign language class)are all about books, grammar, using pictures to teach certain words, expressions, etc. Not only that, but all the quizzes and exams are almost always written. Basically, these classes contain a lot of visual learning which would require sight. It makes absolutely no sense to have sent Heather a blind French tutor who would not have been able to read her text books, unless they were also in braille, which I strongly doubt. Also, shouldn't the tutor have been at another highschool for people with special needs or even in a special program catering to the blind? Even if he did go to Heather's high school, there's just no way he would have been her French tutor. Unless, we suspend our disbelief which is frequently required to enjoy some television shows. I just think they could have come with a better plot device for Heather to meet a horny, blind teenager.


Different schools have different methods, not all schools teach the way you're familiar with.

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


"Different schools have different methods, not all schools teach the way you're familiar with. "

This is very true. But during the time when this show was filmed, I don't think all these new fangled ways or alternative methods of teaching foreign languages were used in most American public schools. I could see a blind tutor for speaking and pronunciation, which VERY few high school French classes focus on, (VERY FEW) but grammar, which is the brunt of most high school foreign language learning, no way! It's always written. Textbooks are very much de riguer and a blind French tutor would not have been able to help a seeing student pass written French exams and quizzes, which IS high school French. I'm just curious , how was your high school foreign language class structured?
