Marsha's changing age

During the first couple of seasons, George and Marsha are contemporaries. Apparently she was a cheerleader while George was an athlete at the same highschool. THEN, in the later season, all of sudden, there is a 16 year gap between their two ages. They even start to joke about George being much older than her in later seasons. Did they show change writers?


They did change writers the last few years, but she was always supposed to be younger than him. I don't remember them saying sixteen or any exact number. I think she was about ten years younger.


"I think she was about ten years younger."

In the episode when Heather wants to be a cheerleader, Marsha is against Heather trying out because she didn't want Heather to turn out like her, being a cheerleader for other people. George gets a little hurt by this because he takes it as Marsha didn't enjoy cheering for him when they were in highschool. So, in this episode, she could have been yonger but not that much since they went to the same highschool. Then there's an episode in a later season when Kevin and Heather try to pit the parents against each other during a physical challenge (I believe a marathon) and they remark that Marsha has an advantage over George because she's 10 years younger. So, I'm thinking at the beginning of the show's run, they were about the same age, Marsha being a bit younger and then when they changed writers, she became A LOT younger than George, for the sake of comedy because they made quite a few references to age during the later seasons.


I'll have to check that specific one again. Well before the writer change in the fifth season, they had established he was older. Again I'll have to check these again, but I'm thinking even the second season episode "Vows" says there is an age discrepancy between them. I know by "Reunion" in the third season they went to different high schools and she is the ten years or so younger.


"I know by "Reunion" in the third season they went to different high schools and she is the ten years or so younger. "

Exactly ! In this particularly episode "Reunion" they went to different high school but in the episode where Heather wants to be a cheerleader, they went to the same.
