The house layout

In The Lion Sleeps Tonight Belvedere walks out of Wesley's bedroom, says he's going to make breakfast, and walks away from the staircase. And I count 6 doors in the living room and kitchen. How many doors and stairs did the house have?


Hmm. Well each kid had a room, as did Belvedere and the parents. That's 5. We have the main living room/dinning room and the kitchen which is 7. Then there was a rather cool (but only seen once) finished basement. So that's eight rooms that are seen. Oh yes we have the bathroom too which is seen in Wesley's home movie in Homecoming, bringing us up to nine total. Always thought it was odd that there was only one toilet in the place!


One toilet and six exit doors. And I saw an early episode the other day where Belvedere and George were in a different, smaller basement with no pool table.


Hahaha, if I was more ambitious I would've started a thread on this very subject--the layout of the house has always confounded me, and at the very least doesn't resemble a plausible, middle-class home in the 1980s! Geez.

There appeared to be a surplus of doors, stairs, exits, and entrances yes. For instance: There were two stairways apparently: as an audience, when we look at the living room head-on, the stairs lead left and right. To the left, the stairs lead perpendicular towards the direction of the front door! What the frig? Imagine how the front of the house looks with this layout? Also, did this left stairwell go DOWNSTAIRS? The cast seemed to imply that on occasion; this is where Wesley's room was confirmed, as was Mr. Belvedere's.

The other stairway led right, and upward... like a typical home layout--AWAY from the front door, which made sense, logistically.

I always just chalked this unconventional layout to "Suspension of disbelief for sitcoms", since they can't capture everything in reality accurately.


"There were two stairways apparently: as an audience, when we look at the living room head-on, the stairs lead left and right. To the left, the stairs lead perpendicular towards the direction of the front door! What the frig? "

LOL !!! Totally. I've often wondered about those left side stairs


The kitchen had two doors that led outside. I am assuming one led to the back porch (on the left) and the other one led to the garage area (on the right). And then there was another door that led to the basement, which we saw in the episode where Wes is gambling downstairs.



And I always thought Mr. Belvedere's room was in the attic, (because of how the ceiling was), but in the episode with the homeless woman they said it was the guest room which was off that left staircase.

But more entrances, more comedy, I always say.


And George and Marsha had their own bathroom. That left 1 bathroom for the other four people. Mornings must have been interesting.


I thought they indicated their own bathroom early on, but sometimes later they show them waiting in the hall for the hall one with the others in the morning. Or am I remembering wrong?


I think you're right. They showed the bathroom in "Vows" but forgot about it in later episodes.


Thank you for the episode title. It was in the back of my mind that they showed a master bath once, but I had forgotten when.

I am a slow poke getting ready, and an only child. I can't imagine sharing my bathroom with so many people.
