MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > Wesley's kiss with Sheila

Wesley's kiss with Sheila

First, it's interesting that Louanne's daughter Sheila is not mentioned in 'Donuts,' but she plays a prominent part in the story of the very next episode 'Runaways.'

Is this Wesley's first on-camera kiss?

The show did not use many black actors and actresses. If there had been a seventh season, I am sure we would have seen more of Louanne and Sheila. And there probably would have been a husband for Louanne/father for Sheila.


I just watched "Donuts" and thought Louanne was one of the nastiest characters I have ever seen on television. She was just downright unlikable, and in real life a family like the Owens would have fired her in a heartbeat.


I think he is kissing at his make out party in "Big".


Well, Lou-Anne was created to be a foil for Belvedere, and in that context, especially in the Owens home, she has to be the anti-Belvedere and do everything the opposite of him.

By the way, this episode underscores the influence Roseanne was having across the TV sitcom landscape at this time. Lou-Anne is written very much like a Roseanne type character, who also worked in a cafe-type place. There are other episodes where Mr. Belvedere seems to be influenced by Roseanne. Another season six episode uses harmonica music for scene transitions, which is what Roseanne used to do.


Roseanne always annoyed me and I don't think Luanne is as grating as her. However I don't find her funny in the least, and despite a fairly amusing food fight with Kevin, the scenes in the donut shop overall do not work for me. "Donuts" is kind of a dud after several a solid comedy like "Love Fest".

I feel like I am watching "Growing Pains" or "Saved By The Bell" with Wesley's scenes during "Runaways". Thankfully it has a really funny b story with Belvedere's "Stonehenge Curse". Hewett literarily saved the episode with his bizarre antics. It's kind of like they knew they wrote a generic bland sitcom script, and they added his antics last minute to make it a "Mr. Belvedere" i.e. a little darker and stranger.
