
I really liked the episode about Spot and the puppies that were born because Wesley didn't get him neutered. The story really hit its stride during the part where Wesley was concerned about what would happen to the pups at the animal shelter if they were not adopted. I thought the writing was outstanding-- showing Wesley taking responsibility for his actions, and how what he had done put the lives of innocent young animals in jeopardy. The character really grew during this offering.

The shot where the camera zooms in on the cage after the three pups have found an owner was haunting-- where we see another animal that hasn't found a home yet. I wouldn't be surprised if they used animals from a real-life shelter that were in danger of being euthanized.

Season 6 has some truly excellent shows. I gave 'Fixed' a 10 rating. Superb all-around job by writers, director, cast and crew.


Another episode with a moral. That's four in a row. They actually said,"Have your pet spayed or neutered". Sorry, I like my comedies funny, not preachy and topical. That's what killed M*A*S*H. I can't wait for Season 1 to start again.


I do think season 6 is proving more entertaining than season 5. While I agree 1-4 are better, 6 has had some very funny episodes that have no big moral to it. I understand some of the complaints, but episodes like Brainbusters and Used Cars are pretty much like the old days. Pure comedy, no great message. Besides the show always tried to have a moral center to it, while being rather darkly funny at the same time.

As for this episode it was cute, but sad at the same time. I hate to think of domesticated animals being killed. It's pretty classic Wesley and Belvedere as far as him messing up and Belvedere saving the day. The big guy certainly didn't pull through for poor Kevin and Heather and the chair he busted! Some say he didn't like Wesley, I say he was obviously the favorite. Why? Mr. Belvedere was obviously a prankster himself.


That's one of the reasons I like the show. It could be very mean spirited. Belvedere would get revenge on little girls, Wesley was basically a sociopath when he was young...


I like the social message episodes, provided they are done realistically. This one struck a chord with me, because I realized that not a lot has changed from 1989 to today. We still have people who do not get animals fixed, and lots of strays that reproduce, and there is only so much room and so many resources to take care of them. So this message is as timely as ever, unfortunately. Plus, on a deeper level, I think it can serve as a metaphor about human reproduction and overpopulation.

The episode did have some funny, less preachy moments as well. The earlier scene where Wesley ran the ad and all those people were lured to the house under false pretenses to adopt the puppies was classic. It might have been a little funnier if one of the victims of that prank had some legal knowledge and threatened to report Wesley to the police for fraud and Marsha intervening and rattling off a bunch of legalese mumbo jumbo and scaring the person into quickly leaving. And she turns to Wesley and Belvedere, claps her hands and says 'amateurs!'


But if we still have the animal overpopulation problem 26 years later the episode didn't do much good. I doubt if any of the "special" episodes of these sitcoms helped much. I know Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" certainly didn't have any effect.


Well season 6 at least tried to have more of the sociopathic Wesley than season 5. "Counterfeit", "Brain Busters", and "Homecoming" have him being back to his old self. Belvedere is very mean to Kevin and Heather at the end of "Fixed". and "Happy Guys Christmas" is full of dark humor-including the fact that young Lynn was Wesley. Plus we get to see the puppet again!! I would pay good money for that thing LOL! Ok it's not the BEST episode but it is pretty flippant for a holiday outing.

Again not the old days, but it's a better season than the truly rocky 5.


Wesley is also a bit of a schemer in 'Lovefest' where he plans to market the Belvedere cookie. I am considering making a thread about the Christmas episodes...


I am sure the episode did some good when it first aired. As it does now. These problems are long-term, but when a sitcom takes a part in trying to find a solution, it is to be commended. Just like Bob Barker's pleas at the end of The Price Is Right for years probably helped some, too.


I disagree. I watch a sitcom to laugh, not to become socially conscious, and my life has never been changed by watching a show like Belvedere. No offense intended.


It didn't work for you (or so you say) but that doesn't mean someone else didn't get something valuable out of those episodes.


"Or so I say"? You think I'd lie about the moral impact a show like Belvedere had on me?


I think you may be over-stating your dislike for those episodes based on something else. You have already said you don't enjoy preachiness. But to consider those episodes entirely worthy of the trash compactor is a bit extreme in my opinion.


Jarrod, I never said said anything about "worthy of the trash compactor". I like this board and the show and there are some posters that have great information about it, but there are certain episodes that I don't like, and you seem to be offended that I don't like them all. It's my opinion, and you should accept that. If you like them all, fine, but allow me to have my own personal tastes. Peace.


I think you may be over-stating. How could I be offended by something a stranger on the internet likes or dislikes? I do think you seem to be overly critical of episodes that for whatever reason do not measure up to your standards for sitcom entertainment. But one thing we all need to keep in mind is that the television production model was different in the 1980s and what passed for entertainment then is not the way it is now. And they made these shows for people at that time, not necessarily for people 30 years into the future. That is all I'm saying.

Of course, we all have favorite and least favorite episodes...right?
