Christmas episodes

I think there were two. Antenna-TV just aired the second one, from season 6-- 'Happy Guys Christmas.'


Just checked-- the first one was called 'Christmas Story' and it aired during season 4.

I think they're both good.


According to Rob Stone's roommate, Christopher had one of his unfortunate accidents doing the wire scene.
He's the one that started the infamous injury stories that Adam Sandler spread around and Jeff Stein amazingly confirmed and told a variation of.
The relevant info starts at about 5:30 in.


For others who are reading, the wire scene(s) occur in season 6's 'Happy Guys Christmas.'

By the way, I thought they did a great job concealing the wire in the living room and using the rear projection shots as Belvedere and Heather flew across the sky-- but as they arrive inside the community theatre and swoop down to land, the wires on both of them are quite visible.

I fondly call this episode 'Dickens Meets Bewitched.'
