MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > What's the deal with the Hufnagels?

What's the deal with the Hufnagels?

The Owen's neighbors are the Hufnagels & are mentioned a lot through the different episodes and yet we never see them, not even once. Wonder why they would be mentioned so often and we never get to meet them. Hopefully, someone has a reason, thanks.


A lot of sitcoms have off screen joke characters that become larger than life. That's what the Hufnagles are on Mr. Belvedere. It's like Norm's wife Vera on Cheers. Or Marris, Niles wife on Frasier.


Right-- it's kind of like real-life. We have coworkers or friends that mention relatives we may never see or meet. But they become larger than life characters in our imaginations based on the stories/anecdotes we hear about them.
