MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > Did they adopt Mr. Belvedere or did he a...

Did they adopt Mr. Belvedere or did he adopt them

It's a matter of conjecture. Is Mr Belvedere supppose to be an almost mythical creation, like Mary Poppins, popping into America circa 1985, or do we take everything on face value. How does a man who poured Winston his Booze, Ghandi his Tea, and all the rest just suddenly find himself in Pittsburg, PA, and had to walk five miles to the house in the middle of a snow storm. the perfect answer to all their problems.
As the show progresses, Mr. Belvedere becomes almost like family to the Owen's, he is definitely more to them then a regular house keeper/cook, and they mean more to him. When ever something is about to go wrong it seems Mr. Belvedere shows up on the scene almost by magic.
He is not only their Jiminy Cricket like conscious, but he is also a shining light of decency in a rotten, indecent world. Belvedere doesn't only inspire the family to try to be better people, but he also tries to do the same for the viewing audience. Can anyone come up with a character on television today, that you can say that about.
