MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > What was the Robert Goulet connection?

What was the Robert Goulet connection?

He would just pop up on certain episodes with no explanation. He didn't live in Pittsburgh. In one he drove them to Atlantic City. Odd.


I have a theory about this (if someone who worked on the show wants to add to it, feel free):

I think it was like how on stage there is such a thing as 'theatre of the absurd.' The writers would include absurdist comedy and surreal moments, like them driving to Atlantic City with Bob Goulet-- just to be a bit irreverent and funny. Plus, Mr. Belvedere was supposed to be well-connected and he practically knew everyone who was famous. Therefore, wouldn't it follow that if he called up Goulet for a ride, that Goulet would swing by and pick him up...?

I also think it was a way to do a bit of stunt casting to boost the ratings as well as feature occasional musical performances (probably at Ilene Graff's request, since she was quite a good singer herself).

Another 80s sitcom, Night Court, featured Mel Torme in silly ways, too. So Mr. Belvedere was not unique with these slightly contrived plot devices.
