MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > Why did Kevin and Wesley tease Heather a...

Why did Kevin and Wesley tease Heather about her looks & intelligence?

I remember from when I used to watch the show and even some episodes on YouTube, that Kevin and Wesley would very often tease Heather by saying she was ugly and stupid. She obviously was neither one of those in that she seemed smart and very attractive. I am an only child so I might not get the whole sibling rivalry thing but it still didn't make sense to me. I mean if I had a sibling that frequently teased me about my appearance and intelligence, I might want to punch them in the face.

Look forward to your responses.


It is sibling rivalry and it makes sense to me. The fact she was the only girl made her an easy target. Sometimes even Marsha gets a little too harsh with her. Poor Heather can't get a break-- especially in the episode where she wants to change her name to Bianca.

I thought Tracy Wells did a good job capturing the character. She would get pushed around but she pushed back. That's how girls are in families where it's all boys/men and a controlling mother.


To be fair to Marsha, she's only trying to make sure that Heather doesn't make the mistakes Marsha made when she was Heather's age, mainly getting knocked up out of wedlock, being forced to get married at a young age as a result, and being forced to put your education and career on hold just to support the family that has resulted.


So, I guess she was teased about her looks & intelligence is just sibling rivalry and not necessarily because it makes any sense. I can understand why Marsha didn't want Heather to make those same mistakes she made like getting knocked up out of wedlock and being forced to marry at a young age and all that stuff.


Well, Heather sometimes did some pretty dumb things, like when she got a job at a record store but forgot to ask how much she was getting paid, not to mention allowing a boyfriend to take albums from the store without paying for them, or when she was hogging the telephone in the first episode, when it was clearly stated that Marsha was expecting a call from the domestic agency. Indeed, in that episode, if Mr. Belvedere hadn't showed up, they would have been in real trouble.
