MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > I AM NOT TOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!


I have been to Growing Pains message board and they have a thread called best 80's shows and I have not seen hardly anyone recommend Mr. Belvedere. All I see is the same shows that are on Nick@Nite or the same shows that every channel shows now and that is The Cosby Show, Roseanne, Full House, Prince Of Bel Air, or the same shows that I am sick of watching! They were good when I was younger and all do not get me wrong but it has been out played sorry to say it or shown way too much! They need to bring some shows that people have not seen in ages! So guys I am begging you to go onto Growing Pains and list some of your great 80's shows and lets get Mr. Belvedere its credit because it was on at the same time that Growing Pains was on and Who's The Boss as well but no station has shown Mr. Belvedere in ages! Thanks!



Yes I remember that The Fresh Prince Of Bel Aire was in the 90's and you have to consider that Roseanne was a part of the 90's as well because that show came on during the late 80's almost near the 90's. I do not see too may people making their statements about Mr. Belvedere though. My girlfriend who is 10 years younger than me never even heard of Mr. Belvedere and I told her that it was on at the same time as Growing Pains was and Who's The Boss in 1985. The show lasted just about as long as Growing Pains and Who's The Boss but ended in 1990 instead of 1992 like the other two shows. So go onto Growing Pains and put your list of Best 80's Shows on the thread. I have listed a bunch that I remember from the 80's.


IMO Mr. Belvedere was the best show from that time. Also I liked Who's the boss! I think these two are WAY better than Full House, Cosby show or Growing Pains! I'm so glad Antenna TV brought Mr. Belvedere back!


I agree with you that Mr. Belvedere is a great show to watch. I wished that where I live at had ANTENNA TV.


YES YES YES! Mr Belvedere is awesome and it has truly stood against the test of time. I recently rediscovered it after not having watched it for AGES (more than 20 years) and not only is still very funny but the tender moments are sweet and serious issues are handled with both humour and tact. Also, it's been said in another thread on this board but Brice Beckham was one hell of a child actor. He practically makes the show. Actually all the characters make the show in their own special ways. Here's to Mr. Belvedere !!
