MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > Black girlfriend in an episode ? HELP!

Black girlfriend in an episode ? HELP!

Does ANYONE remember an episode where one of the boys was dating a black girl ? I just remember him and the father were getting into an argument about it. I remember this part:
Boy:Is this because Sheila's black?
Dad: No.It's cause she's a girl!

*That's all I remember. Anyone remember the name of the episode? I've been trying to see that episode again for 17 years ! Thanks ! : )



Really ? Wow! Thank you SOOO much !Now all I have to do is try to find a way to see it. Thanks again !


I just watched that episode and it was in the later seasons. Welsey got a job at a donut shop and the owner of the donut shop had a daughter. They fell for each other but the girl's mother was not having it because she thought they were getting too serious but of course, at the end, she comes around and all's well that ends well. And of course, we never see these characters again. Viva las sitcoms !
