Hover conversion?

Question: Unlike hover boards the flying cars had full flight dynamics, so why did they refer to it as a "hover conversion" (I have a pretty solid theory)


Because it sounds cooler than "flight conversion"? Because "hoverboard" sounds cool, and by introducing us first to the "hover conversion on cars" we'd automatically get the importance of Marty reading "hoverboard" during the beginning of the chase scene. Maybe when the technology was new all it allowed was for cars to hover? That's all I've got. Nothing techincally intelligent in nature.

What's your theory?


I seem to recall I had a couple of theories but can only recall the one you are touching on.
It’s easy to imagine this technology in its infancy would only allow a basic hovering ability, like the toy hover boards. A hovering ability would however be very usable and quickly spread. The "hover" name would embed itself as a house hold term and if the technology advanced slowly and steadily over a decade or so there may have been no definitive point to change the name of the technology even if its ability advanced beyond what original name proposed.
A reworld example is when people say did you "tape" the movie? when physical tape recording is long superseded.
I am sure my other theory was more interesting:) I will update this post if it springs to mind again.
