When will they remake it?

I hate remakes, particularly of perfectly watchable classics (Robocop, Total Recall, etc).
But I do not run a studio. I hate what Hollywood has become.

When do you think these talentless hack will put their dirty hands on BTTF and force on us yet another rape of our fond memories?

Are they waiting for the original cast/crew to give up or die?
Or can we believe they have this much decency to leave this beloved one alone?




Zemekis and gale own the rights and have said it will never be remade until they are both dead and even then there estates can possibly block any remake also


Yes, well that means they will remake it when the copyrights expire.

I bet my balls there are many hacks in Hollywood already salivating at the thought.


The copyrights are life of the author plus 70 years so not this century. Maybe some time in the mid 2100s


Sounds like you're wanting a hard target on the fall of humanity, before 2100. Believe me, many would be in support, as long as a BTTF reboot doesn't go into production.
