Ending pairings were wrong

We have 5 kids:
A jock
A popular hot girl
A bad boy
A nerd
A quiet girl

Jock ends up with quiet girl. Bad boy ends up with popular hot girl. Nerd gets nobody.

I think it would have been better if jock ended up with popular hot girl. Nerd ended up with quiet girl. Bad boy gets nothing...we all have our issues (like the other 4 also had) but it doesn't entitle you to be a jerk to everyone else.




Well, "nerd" got himself

that's already much for somebody so unsatisfied with himself willing to commit sucide
Nerd is the soft, weak, unpopular guy - the princess, the bad guy and the jock all alphas of their cliques. Usually they would not even care speak to a nerd like him besides of making fun of him - and now they all say he is the most inteligent of them all. In the end they all just seek acceptance in a way.

The way Claire acted towards Bender - from the beginning, I felt she is really drawn to him. It was really good subtle acting.
She, the alpha princess in her perfect clique and he also the alpha but in the very opposite context, quite exotic to her's. For Claire, there are these jocks around ready to pick them, all the time. If she would have cared for them she would have gotten one already.

about bad boy getting nothing: bad boy has the hell at home, and then society punishes him for it in addition. Might be realistic, but as a moral message this would not work for me.


Anthony Michael Hall and Molly Ringwald weirdly had chemistry in both their movies so I think it might have worked having their characters get together.


Except their chemistry had a brotherly/sisterly vibe to it.

I agree with the poster who said Bender and Allison were the only two that would have made any sense together, as much as a trainwreck as that would have been.


Sadly it's a very true model of the situation. The jock and the bad boy, alpha males in their little subcultures, were competing for the two available females. The nerd doesn't stand a chance. Basic sociobiology is going to win in most of these kind of cases.



I get where a lot of you are going with this unfairness that the nerd didn't get anything, and I totally agree. We live in a shitty shallow world where looks and materialistic things are a more important criteria than the person himself/herself. Unfortunately, I personally started getting girlfriends when I started being an asshole. I used to be the sensitive good guy who was constantly rejected by girls back in high school until I got sick and tired and started to be kind of a jerk.

Don't ask me what the fuck is wrong with girls, but they tend to like the "confident " bad-boy and then they complain that all men are jerks. I got like I am today because I became really tired of all the women's bullshit.

True story: I had a crush on a girl and I tried everything to show her that I am a caring guy who will be a perfect match for her. She simply rejected me and did it in a mean way. A few years later, I met her in a party and she came talking to me, and I literally told her to fuck off. Result: two days later I slept with her. Then she wanted to date more and I told her that she can eat a pile of shit. She then started to complain to everyone that I am a fucking asshole.

Go figure, but women can be really stupid.
