MovieChat Forums > Creator (1985) Discussion > There sure are a lot of boobs in this mo...

There sure are a lot of boobs in this movie.

Even if you don't count Vincent Spano.


LOL - ouch.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Not that there's anything WRONG with that {grin}

The OP's comment was witty, but, still, I was impressed with and amused by Spano's performance. Given that his character is at its base a horny 22-year-old graduate student, he was versatile enough to give many more shadings to it than we had a real right to expect.

(And he gave Boris an entirely natural spasm of ecstasy at the end. Wouldn't you feel that, if you'd helped someone you loved to beat back the Spectre?)
Yvaine: What do stars do best?
Captain: Well, certainly not the waltz!


And he gave Boris an entirely natural spasm of ecstasy at the end. Wouldn't you feel that, if you'd helped someone you loved to beat back the Spectre?
There are just so many poorly chosen words in that sentence.


I wasted electrons and neurons to click on an e-mail link and read something this nonspecific? Yikes.

"If you're gonna kill me ... kill me with panache."
~ Elliot (Richard Dreyfuss) in "The Goodbye Girl"
Yvaine: What do stars do best?
Captain: Well, certainly not the waltz!


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...

reply the original poster serious??? There's literally about 3 seconds of boobs in this movie!






Vincent Spano was SO miscast. How did he end up in this movie?
