Top 10 Uses of F.U.

I don't know if there's a list of the best uses of the words F--K You but the scene where he crosses back into West Berlin had me floored laughing. Not the best movie ever but that scene is one of a few I will remember for a long time. Wish I had seen this when I was a kid.


The response from the Marine is priceless!


"I've been wanting to do that for the last 6 months."



Even that wasn't too far fetched, from what I can tell. I didn't visit Eastern Germany personally back in the days, but a lot of people told me those border patrol guys checking your passport didn't really act friendly, but rather harsh and "Prussian", for a lack of a better word.
These guys weren't ordinary border patrol troops, they reported directly to "Staatssicherheit", the Ministry for State Security, or "Stasi". Not only did they spy on their own people, but every person who travelled to Eastern Germany or East Berlin.
So I think a vast majority of people who came into contact with these guys had that "F.U.-feeling" - rightly so.
