MovieChat Forums > Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) Discussion > They should be put to death for what the...

They should be put to death for what they did to Bartertown.

There's no excuses for what they did.



It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


Max and them meddling kids and the pig thief and Master, they should all be killed.

Except Master of course, because they need him for when they rebuild the pig !@#$ factory.


Oh,because Bartertown was such a great and fair system.

I see you understood the point of the movie. (Sarcasm)

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


Bartertown was no more corrupt than any modern parliament, and Master did everything he could to stir up resentment in Bartertown's leadership.
Max broke the deal, forcing Aunty to expose her dealings with him, so she made an example of him, then he comes back and destroys the place for what? Maybe someone should blow up our power plants every time a politician has corrupt dealing with someone to take down an opponent (and screws that someone over)


The movie is not set in our world, for one thing. Why should someone be killed for what they did? Or do you think Capitol punishment should be for things other than murder?

Seriously, I'm not really interested in a debate. If you think Bartertown and Aunty represent the good guys and that Max is the antagonist, that's your prerogative, but that's not the movie I watched.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


There weren't really any good guys or bad guys in the movie, Aunty was the ruler of a kingdom, and Master was a usurper, he had to be taken down.

I suppose everything would have been fine if Aunty just gave Max his stuff and let him leave, but then she would look soft, and someone else would try to usurp power. Max really should have killed Blaster instead of backing out of the deal, but he chose to break the deal and accept the consequences, but instead of taking his punishment and getting over it, comes back and blows up their power plant, that's called terrorism, and terrorists should face the firing squad.

The only reason I can think of for Aunty letting Max live instead of torturing the ever-living-poop out of him until he dies, is that she respects him as a worthy opponent, or didn't want to look petty in defeat, either way she risked looking soft in front of her men.


The whole theme of the film is the rebuilding of civilization, and how you can't make a new society by repeating the mistakes of the old - in this case, an old civilization that literally destroyed itself. Aunty's got big ideas about civilization and trade and new hope in the wasteland, but she's trying to bring it about through duplicity and intrigue and assassination, and thinking more about her own power than the good of her people. Meanwhile Savannah Nix and her tribe start out clinging to the memory of the old world - to the point of turning it into a messianic legend - but finally settle in the ruins of Sydney and set about building what appears to be a fair tribal society where everyone works together to rebuild.

So basically, Aunty's little empire needed to be brought down, because it was the wrong way to start out again, and the world didn't need it.


Excellent post!!! The other guy can go live in Bartertown, since it suits him better.


OP...I guess you slept when you saw this movie, cause Max didnt even wanna go back there, he knew he had done wrong and wanted to stay at the oasis but the kids sneaked off at the night and he went after them to bring them back but when they got into town, things escalated and it became more of a we or them situation, his plan was never to destroy bartertown...rewatch and dont sleep this time or maybe you only need to turn on your brain to understand whats going on in this simple movie....

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
