
Just having a binge of Mad Max.

Think "The Road Warrior" is the best by far. Love Thunderdome too (don't care what anyone says, I think Tina Turner is great!)

As most people say, sort of loses steam when Max encounters the kids... But...

"The Tell".... Seems as ridiculous and as misguided as any religion out there. Christians, Muslins and all the others. Am I wrongs? And if not why?


I couldn't agree more. That's all I was thinking when I was watching it, thinking this is what Religion is yet in this 'modern' day and age people are still hanging off it every word.




I took it more as just a tale...not their religion. Kind of arrogant to presume religion is misguided as if you have any claim to rational thought. That aside, it was just more like a promise that the elders likely told the children before they searched for civilization promising to return.

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"
