there was plenty of runway

you'd think Jed would be able to eyeball the distance he needed to take off. he could have made it with everyone on board had he just taken off immediately instead of shutting down the engines and sassing Max.

Max hits Ironbar head on, and the plane lifts off right at the crash site at the same time. Could have made it without all the drama.


Or just point the plane in a different direction.


Yeah, pretty bull reason to get Max off the plane. They had to keep it PG-13 too since villains didn't finish off Max.

The cars were still heading towards the plane when it lift-off, so there was no need for Max to crash his vehicle since the plane still would've made it anyway.



The plane is a Transaviar. It's a miracle that it eventually managed to fly, it was heavy and packed with people.

It's a hill, and the plane had the RUNWAY IN FRONT OF HIM. Rewatch the movie. No other direction allowed. Stop the BS. - The BEST X-Men Movie Timelines in history.


You DO realize it is fiction, right?

The same reason why complain about Max being forced out for no reason doesn't work. It's fiction.

The only reason what happened, happened, was because director wanted to for 'tension'. No other reason. Sure as hell isn't because it's "TRANSAVIAR" herp derp.


The director provided us with VERY valid reasons. - The BEST X-Men Movie Timelines in history.
