
Wow, on my last rewatch I was sure it's R rated. A lot of people get killed in it, with blood shown, children sucked into sand, the girl Savannah was cursing the whole film (she was cool).


Well it's 80's PG-13. It's no harder than the 80's Indiana Jones movies and even the child being sucked under the sand is done in an emotional manner and not gratuitous, which is something the MPAA will usually give a pass to. Blood is incredibly minimal, only shown when Blaster is shot(And even then it's after the fact and not squirting out as we see the arrows hit him) and Max having some on his face at the very end.

For language, only 1 f-bomb used, which is which is allowed in PG-13 movies, and any other swearing is the occasional use of "ass", which was soft even then.
