MovieChat Forums > Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) Discussion > Hugely different between Part 1 and Part...

Hugely different between Part 1 and Part 3....

I can't think of another trilogy with such a huge difference between the first and third installment.

Not in quality - I love all three movies dearly, with Part Two: The Road Warrior being the best.

But in terms of what happens in the first film, we had gritty violence, drugs, rape and revenge.

By the third movie, it's more of a Lord Of The Flies meets Planet Of The Apes.

Max's story over the three films is unlike anything I've ever seen.

Calvin Candie: You sir are a sore loser
Dr. King Schultz:And you are an abysmal winner


'Evil Dead' to 'Army of Darkness' is quite a difference.


'Evil Dead' to 'Army of Darkness' is quite a difference.

I did consider that, but there are still a lot of similarities going on. The whole windmill scene is very reminiscint of the other two Evil Dead films.

Calvin Candie: You sir are a sore loser
Dr. King Schultz:And you are an abysmal winner



That's true, but didn't the 2nd movie start to adopt the more comedic tone?

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To me, the big jump is between Mad Max and Road Warrior. How many years has Max aged in that time period? 10 years? And the world has gone completely to hell? I think once you buy that premise, the progression to the third movie isn't that far of a leap.


According to the Beyond Thunderdome screenplay, the third movie is set around 20 years after the first film (stating that Max hasn't "seen a city" in 20 years), and the official Magazine mentions that it's been 18 years since the events of The Road Warrior. Which would explain why Max has gone grey on top, et cetera.



I can't think of another trilogy with such a huge difference between the first and third installment.
George Miller said he wanted to take the story in different directions (which is fair enough IMO) but this??? In the same interview he admits he tried to do too much in the one film and tell 3 or 4 big stories, when it should have been one.

The focus should have been on Bartertown.


Mad Max 1 and 2 are raw and gritty Ozploitation movies, and this is like a Hollywood Disney movie.

Max kills one person throughout the entire movie and even then it's a guy who's already "died" twice.

No real threat from the villains, no real dirt and grit. No real sense of danger. It's all very meh. It's understandable why Mel Gibson has never been kind about it. He even called it a piece of crap during filming lol.
