
According to Wikipedia there was a scene cut from the movie that involved Max taking Gekko to the top of a sand dune at night, facing the lights of Bartertown and as the boy lies dying, tells him that they have reached Tomorrow-morrow land and are home.

I've seen this movie 3 times and never even remember seeing a kid names Gekko. I remember one scene much later when they're on the truck/train racing out of barter town when one of the kids says "Gekko was right"

Who was Gekko and when and how did s/he get killed? The only kid I remember dying was Flinn who was dragged under the sand.



Gekko was a little kid who caries a staff with a vinyl recored hanging off it. The scene where he is injured is cut along with his death scene.


When the girl let Max out of the lock up and urged him to go after the kids who left, she mentioned Gekko with a bad leg as as one of the kids who left.

Since the scene where Gekko died was cut from the movie, we can assume that in the version seen in theaters the boy who was sucked into the sand was standing on Gekko's shoulders.
