MovieChat Forums > Pale Rider (1985) Discussion > High Plains Drifter (1973) vs Pale Rider...

High Plains Drifter (1973) vs Pale Rider (1985)

which is better??


These days I prefer Pale Rider.

I used to love HPD back in the day but now I think the story for PR is more interesting.

Which do you prefer?


Pale Rider by a sliver.


Both are great, but I prefer High Plains Drifter for a few reasons. First, it follows much more closely on the heels of the Man With No Name trilogy. Particularly at the beginning, I imagine "Joe" just having left Tuco with his bags of gold, wandering for days until emerging from his netherworld into Lago. The eerie music almost begs for that mystical connection. This suggested linkage was no doubt intended to some degree, but something I largely inject into the film myself that I find haunting and especially enjoyable. The preacher from Pale Rider has this quality as well, but not nearly so intense as the drifter. The 70s film vibe and the desert cinematography plays a big role. The chilly mountain terrain of Lahood evokes something similar but different, detaching it more from the Leone trilogy. I liked this particular distinction. One that I didn't like was the sub-plot involving young Megan's love crush for the preacher. I found some of their interactions cringe worthy and an unnecessary distraction to the basic good vs. evil tale of vengeance that underpins most of Eastwood's films, most especially his best ones.


Interesting idea. I could see something along the lines of the Man with No Name having died, and returned to earth as an avenging spirit. We are led to believe that he's the ghost of the town's former sheriff, but as no one recognizes him he clearly is inhabiting another body. If I'm imagining cinematic characters who could return from the grave to again walk the earth, Eastwood's Man with No Name would be near the top of my list.


>> These days I prefer Pale Rider.

I agree entirely. If High Plains Drifter is a great movie, then Pale Rider is even greater.

Unduly underrated too.


High Planes Drifter is entertaining but Pale Rider is a better written film.



High Plains Drifter is much better, in my estimation. It's a far more tightly-knit story, there's no fluff or filler, and packs a much more powerful punch. I don't dislike Pale Rider, but it's nowhere near he level of High Plains Drifter.


HPD. Much darker,more mystery,and more original.
Infact, even today when thinkin of Pale Rider I can't not to think about HPD.


High Plains Drifter by far. Pale Rider felt dull to me. HPD has this eerie mood of mystery and dread. It reminded me of the Jonah Hex western comics I used to read as a kid as well as a more Americanized version of the Dollars westerns. I have seen HPD many times and will watch it whenever it comes on TV but I only watched Pale Rider once at the movies when it came out and once on VHS and that was enough. I started watching it one time on TV a couple of years ago, but I fell asleep.


Saw High Plains Drifter for the first time a few months ago and was completely mesmerized. You hit the nail on the head with the mood of mystery and dread. Hangs over the whole movie like a dark cloud. And the flashbacks add to the overall effect. I didn't guess the twist until close to the end and was impressed at how well it was handled. Great script by Ernest Tidyman.


"HPD" has better actors and grittier story, but "PR" has better effects and cinematography. The gunshot effects in "HPD" are so lame. I'm thinking of what looks like a red paint dot used on that one guy's forehead to simulate a bullet-hole.


Almost the same story as High Plains Drifter with some Hallmark Christmas movie level type details making up the difference. Since HPD was first, it's the better film.

I was actually surprised how badly derivative this story is. It's basically High Noon and High Plains Drifter redone. We know early on who the bad guys are, and who the hero will be gunning down one by one in a finale.

At least High Plains Drifter has the stranger not really protecting the people from the bad guys as the other films do.
