MovieChat Forums > Santa Claus (1985) Discussion > Why is this regarded as a bad movie?

Why is this regarded as a bad movie?

I just watched it and found it quite charming.

The first half is definitely better than the second, but it's still not bad.

The movie actually reminded me of Superman:The Movie. The first half is a very earnest origin story for the hero, and the second half has him dealing with an evil plot from a comical villain.
Moderators are terrorists.


Sometimes decent movies get a bad rap from the outset and can never shake it. On the other hand, you also get many mediocre Christmas films that everyone praises to the hilt.

It's just the nature of film audiences. I'd guess this film is still a cult favorite among many, though.

The movie actually reminded me of Superman:The Movie

Yep, this movie had the same creators as Superman (The Salkinds) and they did a great job of retooling that same formula from that movie and using it for Santa Claus. It worked perfectly, and really made Santa seem magic and wondrous (just like Superman was).

Imdb message boards - kick someone's ass on the first day, or become someone's bitch.


It is not a bad film, but it is a little thin. Curious you mention Superman, since this is from the same people. I think the problem is that it doesn't have a conflict between the good and evil, unlike Superman in his films. Santa never meets BZ, which is a mistake.


"I think the problem is that it doesn't have a conflict between the good and evil, unlike Superman in his films. Santa never meets BZ, which is a mistake."

Excellent point. Is there another movie where the hero and villain never meet? I certainly can't think of one.


Santa never meets BZ, which is a mistake.

Isn't that because the main conflict in the film is between Patch and BZ?

I am Djour Djilios. Could you spell that please? I don't think so. Try it with a "D".


There didn't seem to be much conflict between Patch and BZ, they seemed to be buddies.


Watched it for the first time in 30 years today, and though not horrible was pretty underwhelming. The beginning showed of a lot of promise with its exploration of the mythos aspect of it all, but by the middle of the film it becomes a cartoonish greasy bad guy formula kiddie adventure. And massively unimpressive flying effects for the people connected with the Superman movies. But I thought David Huddleston was great and was sad to hear he had passed away a few months ago.

"Jesus, does anyone?"
