Rated R

Rated R?

i dont see how it was Rated R
i could see PG-13 but R?


please respond


It's obvious that it was rated R bcause of the nudity. Nudity,Bad language or graghic violence will get an automatic R rating every time.This movie has two nude scenes of Kelly Preston in it.


i saw one movie with nudity which was european vacation (national lampoon) but it was PG-13 and had the "F" and "S" words in it and it got PG-13 this movie deserved a PG-13



I don't remember any nudity in European vaction. The movie "Vacation" ,had nudity in it,but that was rated R. I think you are a little confused. I've never seen a movie,that shows a woman's bare breast,not rated at least R. This movie shows Kelly Preston's bare breasts a couple times.


In europewan vacation, rusty is going for it with a german girl while clarke is dancing/getting into a fight on the stage with the group of dancers at the beer festival. HE's got her top open when the church bells go off.


yeah European Vacation did have a nude scene.

Back to why this movie is rated R, its because there were some nude scenes one involving a couple attempting to have sex. Here in the US thats easily an R rating. You also have language and fighting.




I believe Halloween was pg-13


There are nude scenes, bad language & a lot of underage drinking. That could be why, I thought any movie with untastful nudity was an automatic R rating.


I think it was because of the nudity and the sex attempts. I mean especially the part at Micheal's party when Debbie was saying "it hurt!" and also because they were supposed to be underagee.

Eva *hearts* James Marsden!


I think the more that is shown of nudity in a movie then the chances of it is greater for it to become a Rated R movie. Plus, like other people have mentioned that there is sexual intent in the movie, violence and profantiy. I did forget about the drinking as well.

They do not make movies like this anymore at all. I wish that they did because I would have to say they lower the rating standards or movies so that they can squeeze kids that are 13 years old and teen years as well.

I miss the days when there were more R rating movies and the only time you would see anyone young in the movie theater is if the parents took the kids to the movie or they went with a older family member.

Now those were the days.

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I've never seen a movie,that shows a woman's bare breast,not rated at least R.

Sixteen Candles was only rated PG, despite the fact that there was a nude scene in the girls' locker room, not to mention underage drinking and I think drug use (I believe the girls were passing a joint in the hallway during the dance scene, but I'd have to watch it again to be sure). There's also the use of the F-bomb as well as some other curse words.

Of course, this was a year before Secret Admirer, but I personally think Sixteen Candles should have received a PG-13 or even R rating. I can't remember if the PG-13 rating even existed back then, though. If I remember correctly, PG-13 started with Temple of Doom, which came out the same year.

Ah but I digress, I totally agree on Secret Admirer being rated R based on the same reasons already listed. Great movie, though. I finally saw it again a few nights ago On Demand and it was just as good as I remembered it to be.


There has been bare breasts in PG films. I remember "Hair" from 1979 had female AND male nudity and got by with a PG. Also "Just One of the Guys" had plenty of bare breasts but got by with a PG-13. The thing is, in those movies, the nudity wasn't used in a sexual context. In "Hair" they were just skinny-dipping and "Just One..." were just pics and used to show a guy that she was a girl. In this it involved sex and right away that gives it an R.
I heard the studio wanted a PG-13 but the MPAA refused to lower the rating. I saw it in 1985 and I was seriously surprised by the R. Yeah there's some nudity and sex talk but it wasn't that extreme and the one sex scene only shows the characters heads--no nudity at all. The MPAA over reacted cause this had teenage sex and, back then, it was still a touchy subject.




It would never have been rated R today


Are you serious?The Language for one and there was nudity/sex as well.


"Just One..." were just pics and used to show a guy that she was a girl.

False. Joyce Hyser opened her tuxedo shirt to show she was a girl. That was a scene in the movie, not pictures.


That's what I said but I think I put it wrong. I meant the nudity were just pics AND used to show that she was a girl.


It's all about context. If showing breasts isn't sexual, it will be PG-13. If it's sexual, it's an R.

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Because it was underage sex and a lot of profanity. Underage drinking and sexual situations between minors and adults and of course nudity.


They showed C. Thomas's tinkle!!!
