Who was that?

Forgive me if this has been asked before but I was wondering:

In the beginning of the movie right before we see Chevy Chase for the first time, a man in a black suit wearing glasses gets up and walks across the room. The camera follows him until we first see Chase. My question is this: was that man in the glasses Eddie Murphy? It look uncannily like him but I dont see his name here on IMDB or in the credits (tho I could have missed it)

Thanks in advance

Do you have anything on that remote lower than mute?

Is it just me or is rap music getting lazy?


I came on here with the exact same question. Looks just like him and he seems to be doing that Eddie Murphy smirk. I've never seen him with that long of a mustache though.


Looking back Eddie had already done 48 hours and been on SNL for a long time. I would think he'd be credited for a cameo like that. Maybe it's his brother? He didn't receive credits on anything until 89 so he'd have just been an extra. Just a guess.

