MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > Only losers like this film

Only losers like this film

like Lacy and the imp.


Proud loser!

Spring Awakening is my junk.
RIP Wendla and Moritz




Yup. Got a problem with that?

I know it's a piece of sh*t, that's why fans such as me love it.

Proud Guilty One.
RIP Wendla and Moritz.


Why would anyone like this piece of crap.


Because it's a piece of crap. Didn't I already go over this?

Proud Guilty One.
I am not MoritzFanGurl!!



I may be a loser for liking this movie, but the one who started this thread is an idiot.


Lacy hates this film.



If so, I'm a proud loser!

All shall know the wonder of purple summer.....


Only bigger losers go on an internet message board for a movie and call everyone who likes the movie the board is about a loser

And nobody, not one person, will debate that fact

Except for internet trolls but hey, they're in denial


If being able to appreciate one of the most toxrific (it's a real word; look it up) motion picures ever produced makes you a loser then...Yeah, i suppsoe i am a loser. Damn!

Movie Disaster Music is one of the best CDs ever! All hail Josie Cotton!



If losers make multi million dollars on one film, then I wouldn't want to be in your click!


I guess they are winners for making a profit! Let's see you do that!


I must be a loser then. I thought this was cool.
