rental question

If I came across this in a video store, how would I know whether or not the DVD was edited?

I don't want the edited version.

Ben Grimm forever!


Im not totally sure but I own the directors cut on dvd. I think this is the unedited version. But I'm not 100% sure.


It usually says on the cover "director's cut" or "unrated". The cut version usually specify "R rated" on the cover.

I know that with all the releases of these films, it gets pretty weird. I've heard from others that some editions of part II will claim to be unrated when it isn't.

Best bet might just be to check the length of the film. IMDB has the runtimes for the various cuts of each Toxic Avenger film.

And for what it's worth, all four movies are currently on Netflix instant. They seem to be the uncut versions, looking at the lengths.


If you don't see a kid get run over by a car - you are not watching the unedited version.
