Julie and Wanda

In a movie that features kids and dogs getting killed and a blind woman almost getting raped, it really makes me wonder why we weren't shown these two evil hussies getting killed. The last we see of Wanda, she's getting her buns burned on a sauna and last we see of Julie, she just sits there and screams. Also, I find it annoying that we get a five minute chase scene where Julie runs through the corriders of the health club but right before Toxie kills her, it cuts to something else. I guess her death would have made the scene too long.

I just find it weird that Lloyd Kaufman has no problem with every other villain getting their commuppance, and yet these two brainless bitchy bimbos who deserve to have their *beep* ripped off by rabid wolves aren't shown their gruesome fates.


I know how you feel, those two and their boyfriends' hit-and-run fun really makes them among the most twisted villains in the history of twisted movies.

The reason you don't see them die is that there's a deleted scene (available on the DVD and re-inserted in the new "Japanese Cut) just after Mayor Belgoody's "kill the monster" press conference (if memory serves) where the girls turn themselves in to the police, each of them whining that it was the other members of the group who forced them to run over kids. The gag is that Julie's hair has all been cut off (hence the scissors in the basement chase) and Wanda has bandages all over her butt.

Lloyd Kaufman said on the 21st Anniversary DVD that they cut the scene because Julie's bald wig looked too fake and Wanda was wearing bandages over her shorts because Jennifer Babtist apparently didn't want to do the scene bottomless.

It's kind of a trade-up which version you prefer. The theatrical cut implies that they died, but it's off-screen. In the version where they live, at least you know they're going to go to prison...but that's weird, because doesn't Toxie otherwise KILL all the evil people in Tromaville? CHAUVINISM!!!

I actually interviewed the guy who played Wanda's boyfriend Slug, Robert Prichard, and wrote about the impact of those characters on my blog a little while back, you might enjoy it:

http://cinemachine.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-robert-prichard -part-1_07.html

http://cinemachine.blogspot.com/2011/07/toxic-avenger-1984-lloyd-kaufm an.html


A late reply but anyway....

Granted both girls are complete a-holes. No debate there. But to be honest they never really committed any crimes. Sure they got off on what the guys did and probably coaxed them to continue their crimes, but at no point did they ever actually kill anyone which sort of puts them in a grey area.

On a side note thought Julie got off way better than Wanda. Hair grows back but third degree burn on your butt, not so much...


Troma, and the Toxic Avenger series in particular, seems to be plagued with actors and actresses whose demands get in the way of the film's final product. Seems like each film has at least one scene that can't be done because of an actress that suddenly thinks she's turned A-list overnight, or one cast member who is such an *beep* that he has to be fired and replaced partway through the film.

How do you read the script to a film like this and not expect everything that is thrown at you? Particularly by the time they were making part IV, you'd think people would understand what it is that Troma does. It baffles me.
