MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > Video Treasures release is editied!!!!!!...

Video Treasures release is editied!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the vhs release of the Toxic Avenger from Video Treasures advertised as not rated is actually the rated R cut of the movie. The box is the same as the original Lightning Video unrated release, but the actual content of the movie is the R rated version. Most of the hit and run with the kid on the bicycle is gone, much of the gore from the alley fight, the guy getting his armed ripped off at the fast food restaurant, as well as all the death at the restaurant, the famous head crushing scene,and of course the death of the mayor towards the end of the movie are all severly editied on the Video Treasures release. I used to own this version until the lid broke on the tape, and I bought the unrated Lightning Video release from the video store and there were major differences. The alternate versions area states that both the lightning video release and video treasures are the same, but they are not. I mention this cause there's a lot of the video treasure tapes on Ebay, and would like to help my fellow movie fans that want the truely unrated version from getting the crappy video treasures release.
