They died of dehydration.

Not radiation poisoning...that's why the accelerated demise.

Human beings can last barely two days with nothing to drink...a fact which most people who have a go at this film don't seem to realise.

They didn't get chance to die of radiation poisoning...they surely would have died from it...but the lead up to their death and Jim's rare outburst of 'What are we going to drink for *beep* sake?'...shows what led to their deaths at the end...the man was thirsty.


Sure they died of radiation poison, because once your body's contaminated enough, the poisoning accelerates the dehydration process so that even if you had water to drink, had plenty to drink, it would do no good and you would STILL die of dehydration.


I don't disagree that they had symptoms of radiation damage...but really they would've hung on in there until coma had they had something to drink.

Don't underestimate the bodies need for hydration.

Does Jim really say the 'c' word in that scene I referred to earlier?...It sure sounds like it...that's quite a hardcore word for an old gent to use...really shocks me that for some reason.


Interesting cause and effect discussion. The radiation accelerated it. They did drink heavily contaminated water almost right away, and were living in a cloud of fallout.
