Funniest Part/Dialogue!

For me, visually it was Jim trussed up in two potato sacks asking "Do you think we can have eye holes?"!!!

Also when he was talking to Hilda about the Hiroshima blast, something along the lines of

"Apparently they were only burnt where there was no white bits [clothing]"

Hilda: "Yes dear, but they were Japanese" LOL

When watching the ballet it was more parrot hammocks than budgie smugglers


Not funny, but the last line before the bomb (and which was repeated in the montage) illustrated perfectly the contrast between the gravity of the situation and what Hilda's simple priorities were: "The cake will be burnt!"


It's a bit of a comedy goldmine this film...

'He was a nice man'...(talking about Stalin)

(talking about Monty not still being alive)...'That was forty years ago dear, and he had a moustache then'.


'He was a nice man'...(talking about Stalin)

I laughed at that too!

"With his moustache and his pipe... you knew where you were with him."
