Paper Bags (SPOILER)

The paper body bags were the creepiest part of the film. The whole thing was...damn...but when they were in their own body bags and talking to each other, that was one of the most disturbing visuals in my opinion. That and the


Tell me about it! >_<
What always get me is the final prayer. The way he keeps tailing off as if his mind is shutting down..
Have you ever watched 'Threads'? GOD that's on par with this in the disturbing categories.

SIDE NOTE: I always took it that the government asked people to get into paper bags incase they die during the blast. This would help stop the spread of diseases. Is this correct? Ive noticed alot of he saying the paper bags were to help with the fallout.. It doesn't sound right somehow.

I ate my twin in the womb. :<


Paper bags would not stop any disease. It was so IF after the war they could get out and scavenge the remains of houses, they would have an easy time finding the bodies and finding out who they were, why it would matter I don't know. The only reason they told people to stockpile all the food and medicine was so the authorities could take it all for themselves.


The paper bags were to prevent beta radiation burns. Beta radiation burns the skin when it makes contact and causes damage when inhaled or swallowed. However, it dissapates fairly rapidly and areas would be beta free somewhere around 48 hours after initial fallout.

The paper bags would not, however, do a thing for gamma radiation, which is what the poor couple died from. Paper bags would serve as poor body bags as they would not stop disease, nor would they hold up long enough to contain remains for the period of time necessary for the resumption of normal services.
