MovieChat Forums > When the Wind Blows (1988) Discussion > This film affected me more than...

This film affected me more than...

Testament and The Day After. Not that those films weren't as important or well acted but,WTWB moved me in a different way. I remember going through the Cold War and feeling really scared of nuclear war,I was 10 when The Day After came on and my entire family watched.
Though not as horrifying as "Threads" which really scared the crap outta me,I felt so sad for this elderly couple that tried to have faith and good spirits in spite of the world ending.
At least they died with each other and not alone.


I grew up watching a lot of movies that featured nuclear attack scenarios. I had seen both 'Testament' and 'The Day After' many years ago, but I only recently saw this movie for the first time. Probably the saddest animated film I've ever seen. It is an excellent movie, but also very bleak.

Nothing about you is unique. You are the combined efforts of everyone you've ever known.


By far the bleakest animated film I have ever seen – or will ever see, I suspect. It starts out rather light and even humorous, but it gets dark fast and just gets weirder and weirder, bleaker and bleaker. Even though the Cold War is over (or is it?) this film still rings true. 9/10 stars from me.


I thought Threads was horrible, gory and depressing,but it was more in your face.I think the subtlety of WTWB made it more terryfying than all the gore and graphicness of the first.Things like Hilda innocently saying they can gather the rainwater to make tea to me while hearing a loud clap of thunder in the distance is more effective to me.The naivety of the couple as they slowly rotted to death still chills me to the bone.


"On The Beach" is IMHO the best movie on this subject.

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