MovieChat Forums > When the Wind Blows (1988) Discussion > Serious Question about Rescue

Serious Question about Rescue

For those who enjoy this animation, you may enjoy the TV drama/film that's available on DVD called Threads.

This is quite a chilling film depicting a nuclear attack on England, carried out by the Russians. A rather poignant scene is when two of the characters emerge from beneath a vehicle whereby they have taken emergency shelter and as they stand up, there in the distance is the bomb billowing upwards in it's own mushroom cloud. One says 'They've only gone and done it' in a state of utter shock and disbelief.

But for the survivors, years after they are living like neanderthals and this rather begs the question as to why other countries would not have stepped in and rescued us. Unless we would all be just too vastly spread out given that major towns and cities would have been obliterated, leaving us to wander about trying to find shelter and food.

Surely larger countries like the US, Australia and Canada would come to our aid? Maybe set up camps and drop leaflets to tell us which direction to head for (although without maps and compasses it may be a pretty tall task). But they might drop food and still make camps whereby they could periodically fly people out and into a special zone in other countries?



Threads seemed to be a "worst case" sort of scenario, all around. I assumed the global damage was so complete, each country and its survivors were pretty much on their own.

I.e., aid didn't come because there was nowhere for it to come from. Pretty bleak thought.


Oh, was it an all out war then? I assumed it was an isolated attack on the UK by Russia.


(Threads) If you listen to the news reports on radio and tv at the beginning of the movie, you'll hear them talking about escalating agressions between the United States and the (then) Soviet Union.


Thank you, JoJo31,

I have bought the DVD and must now try to hone in more closely on the background radio broadcasts because many of the broadcasts are addled by the sound of people talking over them and it's distracting lol.

But I guess they did this to demonstrate how little notice people were taking initially. Nobody ever really believes a full out nuclear war would truly happen, they assume negotiations would triumph.

I often drink to make people seem more interesting


There is no such thing as an "isolated" nuclear attack during the Cold War. Any nuclear exchange would provoke a counter-strike on the Soviet Union from NATO. So, the war would immediately turn global.

Have a very nice day


Remember how later in the film they mention that everyone has cataracts from the changes in the atmosphere? That would only happen if it was worldwide.,


We'd have obviously been at war with another country so the chances are that most, if not the rest of the world would be in a similar position.
Governments/Politicians tend to look after themselves so they'd probably be in a secure bunker till it was safe for THEM to come out.

Sorry if that sounds cynical.

"Knowledge is cheap at any price"


Cynical or not, it sounds about right to me. Leave the nation to fend for themselves as usual!

I often drink to make people seem more interesting
