MovieChat Forums > The Oprah Winfrey Show (1986) Discussion > Is there an Oprah show that particularly...

Is there an Oprah show that particularly stands out in your memory?

....for whatever reason?


So many, but one that stands out in particular is the show with the mother stuck in grief over her daughter's unsolved murder a decade prior. Dr. Phil asked her if she thought her daughter would like to see her suffering and when she said no he told her that she was so focused over the girl's death that she couldn't even celebrate her life. She revealed at the end of the show that she'd planned on killing herself after appearing on the show but Dr. Phil and Oprah changed her mind.


AIDS in Williamson was a stand out episode I thought. It's funny, but one of the things I wondered about while watching it was how did he, Mike Sisco, end up moving to Dallas to begin with because I remember one of his sister's saying how poor they were that they didn't even have air-conditioning and that's why they went to the public pool, so I'm guessing none of them had much money.

Some of the people in the audience... what can you really say, but WOW!


It's been years since I watched it on Oprah's Anniversary DVD but I think Mike moved to Dallas because he had family there who was willing to help him out.

Especially the man who said "God will eradicate what isn't natural and if we put them all together on some island without any women this would all be over." SMH.


I liked this one:

I think that's when the world woke up to the Internet properly.
