Walken as Redneck Crook

I found this kind of unbelieveable,ill go as far as to say he was miscast.
Hes believeable as a city criminal,as hes actually from Brooklyn and it seems to come through in his performances.
Sometimes when he tried to do the hick accent it sounded unnatural and forced,even laughable.He works much better as an eccentric gangster(king of new york,suicide kings etc),instead of some tractor stealing,pickup driving,fishtailing, blue collar redneck thief.

But still,he did a good job in coming across as more and more evil/sinister as the movie goes on.



He nailed it.

He was an eccentric rural thief.

He wasn't playing illiterate hillbilly mountain man Ernest T. Bass here.

Rural PA isn't NY, but it isn't KY, either.


Yeah, he was really eccentric, the accent was hard to place and bizarre, and that's what I loved about his performance. It was totally different from how anyone else would have played it.


cant concur amigo
walken was way creditible imo
almost too much so one of the most disturbing roles
ive ever seen
but then again it's chris walken we're talking about so ...


I disagree as well!
I LOVED Christopher's work in this movie!
Actually it's my favorite movie!

Don't get me wrong The Deerhunter was an epic movie, but I can only watch Christoper as Nicky shoot himself zo manuy times.... so this one, with him being cocky, rich, bad and dangerous... yes, I love it!


king of NY was good but if you think walken was better in that than at close range...well, sorry you feel that way. doesn't appear too many people agree w/you. no offense...just sayin'.

"He must've thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"


He´s creepy as hell; this moustache worked wonders for him. Excellent performance.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


epic stache!

'brad white-wooood. please hold for delivery!'

Key to winning baseball games? Pitching, fundamentals, and three run homers.-Earl Weaver


That's my name too!


today's special: shrimp ceviche!



Walken was great in this


i do agree, he was great.

today's special: shrimp ceviche!



Didn't think he had a "New York accent" in movie at all ! I lived in Brooklyn for half my life and he definitely didn't talk like a New Yorker in this movie...if anything he sounded like he's from New Orleans, here. Plus, where this movie is supposed to take place is in Chester County, Pennsylvania...it's 30 minutes from Philly and less than 2 hours from NYC. The real southeastern Pennsylvania accent is kinda odd and isn't exactly "hillbilly or southern" sounding, if anything...it reminds me of Baltimore type accent in real life.
