Sean Penn's shirts

Really tight.


Yep. I'm pretty certain that was intended.


It's something that little guys do ften do...especially when they finally put on a little bit of mirror muscle...


True statement. It's the right move though. Who knows how long the little guy will keep his physique, so he may as well enjoy it while he can; cuz once it's gone, he's back to being just a short guy.


It was steroids for this movie, as in Casualties or Colors he was back to real normal looking, less puffy muscles.


Do you seriously think his arms would be that small if he did steroids?


Small? That was the biggest he was in his whole life, clearly the rest of his body doesn't match the size of his arms there if he did it naturally, plus his frame is just not that big. Also take note of his gut in this film.. Later on in Casualties and Colors he got off the juice, and looked fit yet with still medium size arms.. Did I hit a nerve bashing steroids with you?


No nerve, I just think it's funny that people think any time someone gets any amount of muscle it must be steroids! I've seen plenty of people, myself included that can gain a lot of size yeah maybe a bit of a nerve because it annoys me when people accuse me of steroids when it fact it's just hitting the heavy weights hard. The steroid accusation denies the effort put forth.


I work out too, but my arms at least match my back, chest and neck, Penn is only jacked in his arms here clearly steroids, it's a known fact he juiced... This convo is getting quite "bro-ish" I'm on IMDB to discuss art not douchery.. Sorry I got sucked in bye.


Speaking of's clear he only worked the mirror muscles...not at all uncommon. I'm sorry you're so impressed with his size that it must mean he used steroids...I didn't intend to hurt your feelings by informing you that getting his size is easy without.


I'm sorry I hit a nerve with you because "everybody accuses you of steroids" poor guy, you're such a specimen, good work.


WEll, that's the whole point....I'm not such a specimen...just much larger muscle wise than Penn, yet no steroids.

That's my whole point!

Penn can get that size and much much larger WITHOUT steroids and so can most's the slackers who love to dismiss hard for in the name of steroids to excuse their lack of effort or results!
