Totally 80's

Everything about this movie is so 80's,its overwhelming. Still it was pretty good, i gave it a 6. To be honest,I think the script couldve been better among other things.


It was too 80's for me as well. I'm a HUGE Sean Penn fan, but just couldn't get past all of the 80's cheesiness.

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two!" -Robert De Niro (This Boys Life)


it is a problem to be an 80s movie?? young studs of today are so imbecile, go watch your crappy star wars or your miami vice remake, 80s was the real time where the movies where original with good actors who can act!!


Take it easy and don't jump to conclusions. Just because I have some problems with this film doesn't mean I have a problem with 80s movies in general.

I can deal with the hair and clothing, but the musical score in this film distracts way too much. It's a very generic 80's score and I'm sorry, but it just doesn't stand the test of time. Most of the film's that I love from the 80's have a timeless musical score and the overall look, in terms of art direction, seem so much better as well.

I promise I'll give it a second chance, perhaps I was just expecting something else from this film.

My favorite time period for films is actually the late 70's early 80's, with films like The Godfather I & II, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Once Upon a Time in America, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Apocalypse Now, to name a few off the top of my head. As you can probably guess, my favorite actors come from this era as well: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, etc.

"80s was the real time where the movies where original with good actors who can act!!"

Oh come on, give me a break! I believe there are great films and actors in todays films, you just have to look for them. If you only look as far as the big box office films, than surely you need to look closer. Some of the most interesting and truly "original" films have come out in recent years.

"I know a thing or two about a thing or two!" -Robert De Niro (This Boys Life)


The music score was totally 80's but i liked it.


Well, the movie WAS made in the 80's. To criticize the music for being "totally 80's" would be like criticizing Casablanca because the music is so 40's.


I agree w/ Jerv...WTF are you people talking about? The film was released in 1986 and was about murders that took place in 1978. Maybe evertone should have been wearing zoot suits or better yet, they could all don futuristic garb and Jabba the Hut could have taken the place os Sean Penn.


Yeah the ugly freaky 90 s and today is so much better LMAO !

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me


Hey...I'm thinking they should make a film about Lincoln's assasination and forget about the top hat...Lincoln should wear a space suit - John Wilkes Boothe could kill him with a laser or would be SOOOO much better than that mid 1800's schlock.


I grew up as a teenager in the late 70s and mid 20s through the 80`s the only thing 80`s in this movie was Sean Penns hairstyle! THATS IT !

I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me



What is said in this string about the score is correct, as outlined in my other post:

That aside, I don't think it was too 80s at all. There aren't any real 80s trend-type clothes shown at all (parachute pants, leg warmers, Flashdance shirts, punk hair), and none of the cars are even from the 80s.

Aside from the two-hour version of the three-minute Madonna song, all the songs seem to be from the 70s.

The real life action took place in the 60s and ended in 1978.





IIRC, the events depicted happened in the summer of 1978. The movie has a couple songs in it from that time. It is overwhelmingly 80s though. While the Chevelle, Camaro, and Cutlass are definitely fitting, a lot of of the other vehicles shown were clearly from the 1980s. The older guys all look period correct however the younger guy's jeans are too tight and their hair is wrong for the late 70s. 98% of the women in the film are done up in 1980s style too.

I like the Madonna song as well as the longer 6 minute instrumental of it however I do think some other parts of the score are weak. It sounds like they were using a DX-7 on there which is why it sounds "so 80s" to a lot of people.

This is one my favorite movies. The acting, filming and it's ability to draw you into the scenes and feel the moods are all excellent. Not to mention the cars:)


Nothing is really 80s about the movie except the score but it was released in 1986 not the 200s, or 2010s. I didn't have a problem with it though, because I love everything 80s due to the fact I was born in 81 so the 80s, and 90s was my childhood.


Still? I thought you was giving a compliment!
