David Strathairn....

.... steals this film with the look on his face when Walken says he is an epileptic.




I've always liked him...first saw him in Son of the Morning Star.

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008



David is a actor who is always playing gritty parts.He is truly a fine actor and very talented.


Strathairn I think is a very underrated actor.

I feel he is very good in most all his roles. At close range I feel he was great in his role.

Matewan & Eight Men Out he was wonderful in both them movies I feel.

Matewan he played a Sid Hatfield a Police Officer in Bloody Mingo County WV. that took no bull from Baldwin's Felts goons hired by Coal Companies. Based upon a other true story.

Sid was a UMWA hero back in old days of Coal Mine Wars, This got him killed at McDowell County WV courthouse steps ambush style by Baldwin Felts agents. True Story.. Plus National Guard used live bombs dropped from Air Corps bi- planes upon there own US citizens that was striking coal miners. A other true story.
My family was in the battle I know.

Playing Knuckles Eddie Cicotte in Eight men out is a other classic movie speaks for its self.

Great actor in my book.


I'm also a big fan of Strathairn's work. You might want to check him out in, "Limbo". It's a small film also directed by John Sayles that came out in 2001. I watched it in a film class in NYC and it made an impression on me. I wouldn't check out the reviews because an inadvertent spoiler would ruin the movie.

"Gentlemen you can't fight in here!" "This is the war room!" Dr. Strangelove


He should have been nominated in Eight Men Out for Best Supporting Actor. Only he, John Cusack, and John Mahoney had any really great roles in the movie, but he was definitely the best.
