The Soundtrack

The soundtrack theme tune always reminds me of Blue thunder who else noticed that?


Agreed. Just checked out Blue Thunder (and some other "Chief" movies) the other day to honour Roy, and one thing I like about both of these movies is the music. The opening themes are both quite similar and well done, but not by the same guy I think. Carpenter likes electronic music and will sometimes input into the soundtrack for a movie he works on, so it could just be unconcious "borrowing" on his part and purely coincidental. (If he did influence the Black Moon soundtrack.)


yeah, it's basically THE SAME melody.

but none the less, still awesome.


"Basically" the same? Aside from the choppy, almost guitar-ish backing to Blue Thunder Black Moon IS identical, I picked up on it straight away having only just managed to find a copy of this little gem.
Completely different composers though, Lalo Schifrin on Black Moon, trying desperately to put Mission Impossible behind him maybe?

"Where do I go to now I've gone too far?"




I only saw this film for the first time last night after a couple of decades being aware of it and the cool car on the video cover. Blue Thunder is one of my most favourite films and when the opening credits and theme came along I was mesmerised. I sat through the end credits as well, just listening to it.

I was waiting for Blue Thunder's composer Arthur B. Rubenstein to come up as the composer but it was actually Dirty Harry's Lalo Schifrin doing the music.


Does anybody know where I can get the song that plays in the club scene? It should be Chari Brandon's Sleeping with the enemy that's mentioned in the credits.



Totally Blue Thunder. A few elements from the orig Terminator sound track too.


Ahhhhh, finally! This has been buggin' me for almost 30 years!
Glad I wasn't the only one to notice!
