So Ferris Bueller is pretending to be sick---so sick he's actually at death's door. Now, people who are dying can't attend baseball games, and yet he has the whole city at his disposal in on his personal farce as there's newspaper articles about him and everybody has seen his picture---he's popular to say that is an understatement. But, considering the water tower on top of the stadium said, "Save
Ferris" on it, and they had front row seats----plus were on TV, wouldn't someone have recognized him and realized he wasn't actually sick?


I think you better rewatch the movie. Nobody in the city knew him from Adam. His picture was not in the paper. They did not have front row seats (and at the time that the movie was filmed, it wasn't hard to get tickets for a Cubs game) and they don't ask you for your name when you buy tickets. He was popular at his school only and presumably while he was at the ballgame, his friends would be in class and not watching television.
If you pay attention, you will see that he did have a few close calls as far as being seen.

"You cannot boil a llama and expect it to taste like a grilled monkey".


"He was popular at his school only"

Ironic that you are the one telling others to rewatch the movie, when you obviously didn't even see the police station scenes or the nurse scene or .. it's obviously WAY more than just 'his school only'. The water tower was not in the school property.
