MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Ferris is...ANNOYING...Does anyone

Ferris is...ANNOYING...Does anyone

All I read about im reviews to this movie is you cant help but love his character.

Well, I showed my gf the Breakfast Club and she really liked it. I showed her Uncle Buck and she thought it was pretty good or OK.

SO I decided to show her this and within 20 mins she couldnt stand Matthew Broderick aka Ferris.

I almost agreed with her.

I always knew this as a classic but he did seem very annoying.


Haha I was okay with him but he did have that smart-a*s invincibility like Bugs Bunny or The Road Runner where they never lose and it gets a bit annoying.


I like him. He was a little cocky, but not annoying. I first saw this movie when I was 10 in 1991 and really hoped several years later when I got into high school, that I'd be even remotely as cool and well loved as Ferris (which I wasn't, lol).


I use to like this character more, but he seems very selfish, and bad friend. // Personal Blog & Art Site


I totally agree. I have been scrolling through these boards expecting to encounter some posts and topics regarding ferris being a total a**hole and yet I only found one. I could ramble on about how he is utterly insufferable and self-absorbed but I will simply say that I went to school with a guy just like ferris and on the last day before Summer break, I socked him in the mouth for the very reasons everyone seems to love him: incogitant, shallow and bloviating. Don't tell me someone like that doesn't make your fists clench with irritation.


Sounds more like your jealous of this guy. Using violence because you don't like the type of person he is, well that's just sad and says more about you than him


Jealousy, the last refuge of the man without an argument. I'm not gonna drag this out, you obviously like ferris, good for you, that's fine. I happen to abhor self-absorbed gasconaders who think the world was made for them and the rest of us prisoners ought to bow down in such gracious, free-spirited company. Let me ask, am I jealous of hitler because I believe what he did was incomprehensibly inhuman and barbaric and would like to floor him if I got the chance? Yes of course, I'm jealous of him, that's why I want to hit him, to relieve my embarrassing jealousy. Devise a better argument and come back to me. :)


I never thought this movie was about "liking" or disliking FB. It was an interesting character sketch of a guy who "got by" in a somewhat lax and unrealistic world (parents completely clueless, school administration immature, etc., friend equally self-absorbed and almost abused) But it's good acting and an interesting story. Like BF..dislike FB...hate his's all part of the experience and point of the movie, IMHO.


Did you just compare a fictional movie character to Hitler? I think you should either read more carefully or learn how arguments work. Ever heard of sufficient and necessary conditions, you know the foundation of argument and logic? The poster who replied to you wasn't saying that every time you hit someone or every person you have a desire to hit it is a result of you being jealous of that person. The way you construct it is If Hit-->Jealous. He's saying you're jealous, it's a necessary condition for hit but it doesn't necessarily mean every person your jealous of you want to hit. In addition, go re-read your initial post. You punched someone that everyone loved, impliedly more so than they loved or even liked you, which is the predicate of jealously. Hating someone because of something you aren't and they are, sounds like jealously to me. If you do re-read your post you intentionally use big words, likely because you have some issues with inadequacy, probably the reason why you punched the guy that everyone liked but you, and then had to insult the intelligence of a random message board poster. Here's another lesson, just because he thinks you were jealous doesn't mean he's pro ferris, it just means he thinks what you did wasn't warranted based on your reasons for doing so. If anything, you're the one who comes off ass arrogant and better than everyone. Let me ask you a question, when you hit that kid, how many people started to like you because of it? Likely, none. If anything, you probably became hated even more, which also explains why you waited until the last day of school before summer break. So you're a violent, jealous, coward. Bravo!


I happen to abhor self-absorbed gasconaders who think the world was made for them and the rest of us prisoners ought to bow down in such gracious, free-spirited company.

I think the thing is that Ferris was not a self-absorbed gasgonader who thought the world was made for him and expected the rest of us to bow down to him.

To quote Gracie: "Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude."

If he really was as bad as you say he was, then he would not have been popular among all of those groups.


Exactly. Despite the post being from 2013 it still holds up true to today and to, forever! I'd guarantee that the suckers here saying Ferris is awesome they'd never want anyone like him as a friend.


he is over confident but he learns by the end that he DID go to far. he even offers to take the rap for ruining the Ferrari . it does show some nice character because he realises his actions were reckless

Amy Adams likes to tie me up


He was VERY annoying. This movie is terribly overrated.


He's a righteous dude :)



Oh, he's very popular m1xer. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him.



Thread ender.


He was kind of irritating. I felt sorry for his sister - everyone always acted like she was bitter and horrible for not liking her brother, but if YOUR sibling got away with everything while you couldn't get away with anything, and he got treated as the special one by your parents, you might be a tad bitter too, don't you think? I understand her wish to kick his ass. It would be hard to tolerate being around a person who has such good luck that everything ALWAYS goes right for him no matter what! And he is mean to Cameron, blithely expecting him to forgive him for being kind of a jerk to him when he bullies and badgers Cameron into getting out of bed, running around the city taking risks, and stealing his father's precious, very expensive Ferrari.

"Obey My Dog!" -Mugatu


I don't find him annoying but he can be cocky and irresponsible.

Esta es mi firma
