MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Wouldn't Jeanie recognize her own school...

Wouldn't Jeanie recognize her own school principal?

As far as I am concerned, that is a blunder because everybody who goes to school does know who their people are. Come on. I never spoke to mine at all (never was a trouble maker) or had any contact with them, but I still knew who they were. They make it a special thing to just introduce themselves at assembly on the first day of school. However, in the movie, when Mr. Rooney was in the house, Jeanie did not know who he was.

"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."



Entirely realistic. Let me give you a real example that millions of people witnessed.

It was the old Johnny Carson show and he pulled a practical joke on his sidekick, Ed McMahon, in 1983, all taped of course. They put some NBC property in the trunk of McMahon's car and when he left for the day the guard checked his vehicle, found the "stolen" items, and confronted McMahon who was by that time totally confused.

One of the "guards" in uniform was Johnny Carson himself, McMahon was looking at him and never consciously recognized him because of the confusion of the situation.

The scene in "Bueller" is totally plausible.

For those curious here is the original 1983 joke, it actually starts at about 2:30 into the video and Carson appears at about 3:45. Starting at about 6 minutes in is another great one, where two guys "turn the valve" to make Old Faithful erupt.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Amazingly, human recognition can be situation-specific and poor at times.

There's an old Columbo episode (might've been the first), where a mistress of a doctor is worried, because she's supposed to 'play-act' the doctor's wife on an airplane full of strangers, and she's worried they would recognize that the mistress is not the wife.

The doctor simply says, 'people see what they expect to see'.

Now, it was just a TV show, and this is obviousl not the full truth, but it can be surprisingly true sometimes. If you're not expecting to see a celebrity, and someone is dressed in a janitor's uniform, you basically 'see' a janitor, even if it's actually someone famous (more or less with somewhat hidden face, presumably).

There has been japanese idols that have 'infiltrated' a school secretly (with permission from the higher-ups), and taken big risks by dressing as an Assistant Director or some such thing, and assisted with setting up things, and no one recognized them, because they didn't expect actual idols to be dressed as basically janitorlike clothing, doing typical AD things.

So Jeanie expected to see Ferris, but ended up seeing 'someone that is not Ferris, and says 'Haa!'', so basically she 'saw' a scary burglar that might harm her, and her fear kept that illusion going. It's plausible.


That is pretty amazing, that he would not recognize Johnny Carson in the security guard uniform.


It's possible she also decided to play the damsel in distress card and run with it.


She did recognize him, that's why she tried to murder him by driving his nose cartilage up through his nasal cavity and into his brain.
