Timing is too perfect

Kinda kills the immersion when the timing is too perfect.

Think if they had called Mr. Rooney 30 seconds, one minute, two minutes or five minutes later.

Rooney would've been able to call the REAL father of Ferris' girlfriend, thereby discovering, dismantling and destroying his whole plan.

How come the timing of the 'prank call to Rooney' is so perfect? It's just a bit too much to swallow. Also, how come Rooney doesn't try to call the guy again to his daytime number, just to check it out, etc..? He's not the kind of man that would leave this to chance. He would be thorough about it.

I mean, he goes to Ferris' house just to try to get him (whatever this means)!

(Why can't he just punish him even if he doesn't have proof, and what kind of proof would 'Ferris standing outside of their house in the evening' even be anyway? Can't a sick kid do that? I don't really get the ending scenes)

This principal is ready to go through ENORMOUS AMOUNT of trouble, but not a simple PHONE CALL to Sloane's father to make sure he's what he just talked with?


This movie is great, but it really burns out suspension of disbelief to a crisp very quickly.


Now I want to hear what you think of the timing of ending of "The Usual Suspects".




"This principal is ready to go through ENORMOUS AMOUNT of trouble, but not a simple PHONE CALL to Sloane's father to make sure he's what he just talked with?"

That would be a rational decision. Rooney isn't rational. He could have also walked up and apologized to "Sloan's father" when she was picked up...but he didn't. And he would have caught Ferris right then and there.
