MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Ferris is BETTER than a Hero - stop capi...

Ferris is BETTER than a Hero - stop capitalizing every word in topics

I don't get these regular posters that just write uninteresting nonsense, trying so very hard to be clickbaity and provocative, but end up being lame and inconsequential. Just stop already.

Don't Write Topics Capitalizing Every Letter, and Don't Write Posts That Start With The Word Stop, MMHHKKAY?!

In any case, some people that have no understanding of movies, characters or Ferris, seem to write very disparaging posts about him, so I am here to set the record straight.

Ferris is better than hero, think about it.. sure, he's a bit of a psycho- and sociopath, but what he DOES is undeniably amazing.

Ferris made EVERYONE'S lives better in one day. How many of you can say the same about your actions?

Let's see what he accomplished:

- He made his sister stronger, solved her inner conflict, made her realize how blessed she is, and because of Ferris, the sister even got hot intimate make-out session with a high-status male. Look how happy she is after the kissing session! Ferris made her sister HAPPY, she also found INNER BALANCE because of him.

- Cameron is now a strong man with a backbone, able to confront any fear he has, instead of cowering under the pillows like a weak sissy that runs away from anything even mildly spooky. Cameron's life is going to be so much better because of Ferris, it's impossible to measure.

- Cameron was able to see enticing nudity she would never have seen otherwise

- Sloane was made happy and her future looks bright - she had a really fun day that made her realize what good friends she has, was able to help others and even bond with and appreciate a nerdy guy she would never even have known otherwise.

- A hooker got paid for a job she didn't even have to do - talk about a great day for her!

- The whole community has someone to care and worry about, and to rally around - gives them sense of purpose and a good feeling that they are helping someone.

- The parents are delighted to have such a special, wonderful offspring instead of some drug user hooligan. This strengthens the bond between them so much that even the actors themselves became romantic enough to be fall in love!

- Ed Rooney, a tyrannical dictator, is shown his place, and basically he is treated with respect until he starts becoming unreasonable. Everything bad that happens to Ed is his own fault. The principal learns a valuable life lesson here

- Ferris and his family do not even sue Rooney for trespassing, breaking and entering (although it was really just 'entering', he DID break the skull of the dog and the flower vase, and wasted their water and paper)

- Ferris is a poster child for FREEDOM - he shows the conformist kids how to take control of his own life and how to have fun in a wholesome, alcohol and drug-free way. What could be more precious than that? Freedom is the most valuable possession we can ever have, and yet we're supposed to accept school-, and work-oriented 'practical slavery'? Ferris breaks the rules and shows what's possible. Inspiration for us all!

How is Ferris NOT something better than a mere hero? Hero does stuff FOR you, like saves your city so you don't have to cultivate, evolve or develop yourself in any way by confronting difficult problems. Ferris elevates YOU by making you confront difficult things, after which you are a better human being for it.

Fools don't know what they are posting about.. sure, he lies to people, talks to a camera and fools his parents, but what he does for EVERYONE else, is worth it.
