Fave scene

I crack up with the first time that guy shocks himself with his aversion therapy whatchamacallit. So funny!



The entire scene where the new class arrives at Busterburger U and Drootin gives them all a tongue lashing is my favorite.....


The helicopter sequence is a riot, even though it is hard to understand what is being said. It took me awhile to get all the words.


My favorite scene is where the whole staff stops and says "Put those cookies back, mutha effa" to the little girl!!

Meat's meat, and man's gotta eat!!


Mine too. they should put this an dvd. I've seen Hot Dog and the Leprechaun wastes of time on dvd. Why not this funny film?


And the little girl doesn't even do that!!!!!


Definitely the scene where the man sitting on the toilet whips out a camera among all the people who drank laxative milkshakes and the fat woman says "No flash, no flash!" then the whole franchise goes up in smoke! Damn that was epic!

Miss The Old USA Network?




When Dick Butkus pranks the cop in the drive-through. The expression on the cop's face was great.

"Well boys..break's over. Dont just lie there getting a suntan. Aint gonna do you no good no how!"


I didn't get everything Drootin said at first, but over time, I figured it out.


Any scene with Mrs. Vunk in it. Goddamn! She was f@cking hot!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
