MovieChat Forums > Highlander (1986) Discussion > Why did the Kurgan go insane after being...

Why did the Kurgan go insane after being shot in the alley?

You know, after he's been identified and thus had to shave his head, he clearly went off the deep end.

And before that, in present time, he clearly seemed annoyed and impatient, like he couldn't get it over with fast enough.

Was it the long wait for the Gathering?


Hubris. He was the strongest and thought he was certain to win the prize. He'd always been a psycho, but being a step away from having even more power sent him off the deep end. His conversation with the priest about God's "undoing" shows where his ego is at.


Mm, not sure I buy that 100%.

His "fade away" line at the church shows he's already unconcerned with dying, and when he's beheaded the look on his face is not anger/despair at losing, but instead he looks relaxed and even starts laughing, like saying "well, whatever, it's finally over anyway".

Or am I reading too much into it? Don't think the "he's so arrogant he thought he could survive the beheading" explanation would make sense. Otherwise why bother defending himself at all?


I got the same impression when he died. It was a look that told me he was glad it was finally over, regardless of the winner. Probably the closest thing to a redeeming moment the character has, and I like imagining that as his last thought. So I choose to interpret it that way.


Good, thought I was the only one...


Why did the Kurgan go insane after being shot in the alley?

Lead poisoning 😛
